Kameymall – 20 years of wholesale shop
Hello, my dears! It’t time to talk about online shopping, a subject that everyone seems to like it. I like to go shopping, but in the last years, most of my shopping is online. That is happening because the shops outside our country has great prices and a variety of clothes, accessories, shoes. Practicaly, I find everything I need online, in the comfort of my home. Today, I want to present you Kameymall, an online wholesale shop with 20 years of experience.
In my online searches, I discovered reviews about Kameymall, an online shop witch is both a wholesale and a retail shop. Kameymall has 20 years of experience and the have their own factory of clothes, shoes, wigs outdoor sports and so on. The Chinese shop named Kameymall covers the whole Europe and United States import and export. Their clothes and accessories travel around the world and the shopping and shipping is very easy and intuitive.
Kameymall covers 30 first-level industry categories including 3C, clothing, home furnishings, accessories, etc. Among them, the dominant industries are mainly: clothing and apparel, mobile communications, shoes and bags, beauty and health, jewelry and watches, consumer electronics, computer networks, home furnishing, and automobiles Motorcycle accessories, lamps, etc.
The fact that Kameymall delivers all over the world is a great plus and the payments seems to be secure. The company culture earned my trust, by its values and visions.
- Enterprise Vision – Create a convenient and better life, enjoy quality services
- Enterprise Goal – To become a global shopping platform recognized by consumers
- Business Philosophy – Safety, health and quality
- Service Tenet – Honest and professional, honest and clear
Kameymall – 20 de ani de shopping online
Bun găsit, dragii mei! Este timpul să vorbim din nou despre shopping online, un subiect pe care toată lumea îl place. Îmi place să merg la cumpărături, dar de câțiva ani cumpăr mai mult online. Asta pentru că magazinele online din afara țării au o mulțime de reduceri și oferte, la haine, încălțări și accesorii. Practic, pot cumpăra tot ce vreau din confortul casei mele. Azi vreau să vorbim despre Kameymall, un magazin online cu o experiență de peste 20 de ani.
Kameymall are peste 30 de categorii, incluzând haine, mobilă, accesorii, haine și încălțări, bijuterii și ceasuri, electronice, accesorii pentru automobile, lămpi, etc.
Faptul că fac livrări oriunde în lume și plățile sunt sigure, mi-au câștigat încrederea. Compania are niște valori și viziuni care mie îmi plac.
- Viziune – Să creeze o viață mai bună, cu servicii de calitate
- Țel – Să fie o platformă recunoscută de clienții din întreaga lume
- Filozofie – Siguranță, sănătate, calitate

Kameymall – a great online shop
First of all, if you create an account on the site, you can benefit from a lot of discounts for new users. You can Login on the site and then go shopping. New register users get a 10$ coupon and – as long as we shop – we can get others, as you can see in the picture.
- US$20 off on US$300
- US$25 off on US$500
- US$40 off on US$1000
It is very easy to order and use the coupon. They are only a few steps to follow.
1. Click Join member, register and sign in.
2. Get the coupon on the front page.
3. Search the goods you need.
4. Choose specification and quantity then click buy now.
5. Click Select to add new addresses, then choose shipping company and payment method.
6. Click coupon to use it.
7. Click Pay Order.
8. Input bank payment, order information to pay. Also you can close your order. If you have any questions, you can click customer service to consult.
I found a lot of great clothes, jewelry and accessories on Kameymall. My wishlist is full of a lot of things and I am aware that I don’t really need them all. But the prices are good and I found a lot of promotions, so I couldn’t help myself.
I even read their blog here – https://blog.kameymall.com/ and I found a lot of interesting advices about style, fashion and beauty. I saw some great wigs here and I would like one, too. It is great how you can change only if you wear a wig.
Ready or not, here I come! That’s what Kameymall tells me, when I opened the page. I’ve already put a lot of autumn clothes and shoes in my shopping cart and I will make an order. I can’t wait to see my beautiful clothes and I’m sure you will be, too.
Did you hear about Kameymall by now? Do you like to shop online? If that’s true, then this online store is for you, too!
Kameymall – un magazin online grozav
Dacă vă logați pe site, aveți o mulțime de reduceri și cupoane pentru clienții noi. Toți cei care își fac cont nou primesc un cupon de 10$, iar apoi urmează reduceri în funcție de cumpărături.
- 20 $ reducere la cumpărături de 300 $
- 25 $ reducere la cumpărături de 500 $
- 40 $ reducere la cumpărături de 1000 $
Pe Kameymall am găsit o mulțime de haine și accesorii și coșul meu de cumpărături este plin. M-am uitat puțin și pe blogul lor, unde am găsit sfaturi despre fashion și frumusețe. Am văzut și o mulțime de peruci faine și cum le poți asorta în ținutele de zi cu zi.
Acum că mi-am umplut coșul, abia aștept să dau comanda și să mă bucur de lucrurile pe care le-am ales. Vouă vă place să faceți cumpărături online? Ați auzit până acum de Kameymall?
Mulțumesc pentru recomandare! Nu știam de acest site.
Nu,eu nu am auzit până acum de acest site.