okTSHIRT – The joy of wearing personalized t-shirts
The last couple of years, I kind of became obsessed by personalized things. I really like to offer (and receive, let’s be honest!) personalized gifts. I like the joy and the smile on my loved ones when they receive a custom gift, a gift that took time and was made just for them. I often choose personalized t-shirts, mugs, books or kitchen tools and I know for sure that everyone enjoys a present like this.
My love for custom t-shirts is that big that I have a big collection. I have t-shirts with my blog, my kids and with funny messages and my friends know that I collect them and they always help me found new ones. That’s how I found okTSHIRT, a great site with custom and personalized t-shirts. They have a great variety of models and texts and you can make your own design, too. I really like their site and concept and the fact that they have 10 years of experience in that field make me trust them and their work.

okTSHIRT – the heaven of personalized t-shirts
First of all, I want to talk to you about the diference between personalized and custom t-shirts. If the first ones can be found on the site and you just have to buy it, the second ones are more special. When you make a custom t-shirt, the whole idea is yours. You create the design and the message. The team only helps you to put in practice the idea. In that way, you can be sure that the person that receives your gifts will be more than happy. You now exactly what your family and friends love, what are their favourites things or quotes.
For example, my husband always says that he’s a hero that he is only that fat, considering how great his wife cooks. :))) Of course I couldn’t help myself and I printed that on a t-shirt, as a gift for his birthday. He wears is very often.
But, don’t you worry! If you don’t have time or ideas for custom t-shirts, you can always choose one of the personalized t-shirts available on the site. They have a lot of great model so you can find the one you need, for sure.

I couldn’t agree more with their motto. But, why should we choose okTSHIRT? There are a few reasons that can make this site our first choice.
- Quality – their t-shirts are made of quality cotton and the prints look really good. The quality is the first thing that I look for when I make personalized things.
- Variety – They have a lot of great models. You can choose t-shirts for men, women and children or aprons for the ones that love to cook.
- Fast delivery – The site is in England, but the delivery outside the country only takes 10 days. That’s a big plus, if you ask me.
- Amability – The team is always ready to help you and to guide you so you cand choose a great gift for your loved ones.
Considering that my birthday will come in January, I should order myself some t-shirts from okTSHIRT, shouldn’t I? It’s never to soon for a birthday present. 😀

Îmi plac tare mult tricourile personalizate.
Trebuie sa-mi iau si eu un tricou din asta, ca sunt nascuta in ianuarie. 🙂
Imi plac mult tricourile personalizate!
Și eu sunt fana tricourilor personalizate! Îmi place să am articole vestimentare diferite de cele ale celorlalți.
Și eu apelez la tricouri personale.
I love personalized t-shirts, I want one with my dog and my tatoo design.
Mie imi place tot ce este personalizat!
i think i would like a costum t-shirt. if the quality is good, then it deserves all the money!
Oh, da! Imi plac si mie tricourile personalizate. Mereu am avut 1000 de idei de ce as purta pe acel tricou. Keep going with the idea!🤗
Apreciez astfel de variante de tricouri sau alte obiecte personalizate, au un farmec aparte.
Și mie îmi plac foarte mult tricourile personalizate.
Ador tricourile personalizate, am cateva si imi plac care mult sa le port